Thursday, January 17, 2013

2013 Art Walk Etsy Team Updates

About this team (New as of January 16, 2013)

The First Friday Art Walk Team (AWETeam) is the official team hosting the the "First Friday Art Walk Weekend" on

First Friday Art Walk on Etsy was established in June 2009, with the formal AWE Team being established in September 2009 to promote and support Etsy sellers interested in showing off work in their shops for First Friday Art Walk.

The First Friday "event" happens over the weekend of the First Friday of every month. It is a visual tour of the new work of our team members. Some shops like to offer promotions during this time, others just want to get their work out there.

As we enter into 2013, the AWETeam is changing up the ways we approach the FFAW "event" and how our team promotes items. These efforts will in turn let us as a team promote this event and our member shops through our established social media outlets.

To make things flow easier, more organized and hopefully without a lot of stress to members, we are now creating posts a month in advance of First Friday, so we can all promote the team up until the deadline (The goal! The celebration! The weekend that beckons you out of your hole to see ART!), which is formally: First Friday Art Walk Weekend.

We are looking for members to join that are interested in not only promoting their work, but other team members work as well through treasuries, blog posts, social media outlets, and other ideas that may come about as technology advances and the promotional flow of proper changes. 

We need Members:
~That like to promote for upcoming trends and themes.
~That like are interested in helping re-establish this team and help it grow and possibly even as an event that proper would like to help promote on their calendar, blog and emails.
~That like to have a deadline to work towards to keep themselves creative and making new work and keep their shops fresh and new.
~That like to have their work seen, possibly purchased and promoted.
~That like to be part of team that starts to feel like extended family.

We do not need Members that:
~Post their items and disappear for months.
~Add the team tag to a few items, then never participate in team threads, events, etc.
We understand life gets the better of us at times, but please take just a moment to heart a few fellow member items. Heart, click, and comment on a few treasuries. 

You don't have to be on the ball 24/7 with this team. But a quick weekly checking-in and adding items, or hearting a few items, or commenting on a team treasury, etc, is highly recommended and greatly appreciated!

For more information about the the direction of the AWETeam and First Friday Art Walk Weekend on for 2013, please see this discussion thread:

To tweet FirstFridayArtWalk items add @AWEteam.

Visit our team blog!

Become a Facebook fan!­6995814016699

Have questions? Please ask on our Forum's Chat Thread!

Team Captain:
Marsha of
Major Team Blog Contributor and 2013 Captain of AWETeam

Team Leaders:

#1. Michele of
Team Blog Creator, Team Leader/Forum Moderator

#2. Valerie of
Team Leader/Forum Moderator

#3. Chris of
Team Leader/Forum Moderator

AWEteam logo is courtesy of:


  1. Great ideas, Marsha! All the best to their fruition! Sarah

  2. Thanks Sarah! I miss you being over there with us... Thank you for all that you (& the others) did for the team. I sure hope that these intentions keep the vision of this team going.

    Also, I might contact you all for some "history" of the team to create a small blurb here on the blog as it is important to know where and why things stared to keep in tune with the intentions of the team.

    Might be cool too to see ideas and what worked and what did not (mostly because of technology changes).

    Always ideas brewing...


We welcome all your AWEsome comments!